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—– START —–

Side-to-Side Bent Knee Drops (Start Position) - Dockside Physiotherapy Victoria BC Exercise Database

—– FINISH —–

Side-to-Side Bent Knee Drops (Finish Position) - Dockside Physiotherapy Victoria BC Exercise Database


The Setup:

  • Lie on your back with your knees bent to 90o and feet flat on the ground
  • Bring your knees and feet together so they are touching each other

The Movement:

  • Keeping your shoulders and upper back in contact with the ground, drop your knees out to the left (which causes right rotation of your upper body) until you feel a light to medium stretch in your lower back and hips
  • Pause in this position for a second, the rotate your hips and drops your knees to the right (which causes left rotation of your upper body) again until you feel a light to medium stretch in your lower back and hips
  • Pause for a second, then rotate your hips and drop your knees to the left again
  • Go back and forth slowly between these two positions